If you would like to plan your visit with us, you are welcome to let us know you’re coming! We’ll have a parking space for you, and if you have children, we’ll be ready to welcome them! We will only use your information for your visit. Or, you’re also welcome to just drop in!
Service Time
Service Options
In-Person & Outdoor Gatherings
Service is in the sanctuary. Come to the front entrance and enjoy the coffee bar.
For parking, see map for designated church parking or access free street parking
See our current COVID-19 Sanitation and Safety Policy.
If you would like to plan your visit for a certain Sunday, including a reserved parking space, click here .
Kids / Teens
Emmanuel’s Children’s Ministry offers a live Sunday children’s service for kids at 9:30 AM, including songs, activities, teachings from the Bible, and sometimes activity packets dropped off at your home. In the RSVP, indicate the name(s) and age(s) of your child(ren).
Emmanuel Church Student Ministry offers Middle School and High School gatherings on Sundays from 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM. The gatherings include hanging out, snacks, games, and a message from the Bible about different topics.
Additionally, we offer mid-week Bible Studies and gatherings.
For more info or to RSVP for Sunday get-togethers, contact our youth ministers Lisa and Trevor, at lisa.hoffman@
Plan Your Visit
We’re excited to meet you! Please fill out the form below in order for us to better prepare for you.